reading.akashic record reading

  • What are the Akashic Records?

    What are the Akashic Records?

    What are the Akashic Records ? A simple explanation is “ The Book of Life”. I want to take it farther than that, lets talk about what and where it is. Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning “Space”, in the Indian language it means “Sky”. To me, the Akashic Records are in the Etheric Relm/plane.…

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  • Spirit Guide Reading

    Spirit Guide Reading

    Have you ever wondered who your Spirit Guides are or how many you have? This reading is designed to answer those questions. You have a team of guides specifically assigned to you. Spirit Guides are with us to help manage the everyday situations that arise in our 3rd dimensional existence. They give us guidance on…

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  • Life Lessons

    Life Lessons

    Have you ever wondered what you’re here to experience? Why some situations appear to occur repeatedly? We all have a primary lesson and secondary lessons to experience and they all intertwine together. I like to think of them as themes that we experience throughout our lifetime. Every theme has a positive and negative polarity to…

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