The 7 Knob Candle.

The 7 Knob Candle.


The 7 Knob Candle.

The 7 knob candles can also be known as the 7 Knots, I will refer to it as knob

You burn one knob each day to bring the desired affect you would like, your intention!  Please remember this is not to harm, or interfere with someone’s free will.

Place the candle in an area of your choosing, this area should be one where you can meditate and not be disturbed. Choose a time; this should be done at the same time each day. I also write a petition and place it under the candle.

Color is important: remember you can always substitute white for any color.  Knob candles colors have a different meaning then other candles colors.

Black:        Banishing, removing, letting go, obstacles of most types, blocks

Red:          Activating, love interest, intimacy

Green:       Bringing money to you, Release someone with holding money” that is yours”, someone holding property that is yours.  This must be your property!

Brown:      Action, if you want to have your say… your day in court..and someone is holding up your action.

Yellow:      Changing your luck… if you are having bad luck

Purple:      Removing health issues, or removing a physic attack

Blue:         Helping depression, squabbling or confusion.. with yourself or in  the family or with co-workers

White:       For a secret wish or a blessing

Orange:     Removal of obstacles in business, success and career