Essiac Tea History

Essiac Tea History

The History of Essiac Tea

Essiac Tea is said to have been an Ancient recipe made by the Ojibwa Tribes of Native America who live in the areas of Canada and Northern United States of America.  Essiac Tea was referred to as “Ojibwa Tea of Life”.

The story I have heard about Nurse Caisse and Essiac Tea, is that she aided the Ojibwa Tribe, they all became friends and she helped with their illnesses.   She also saw the remarkable things that the “Tea of Life” did.  The Ojibwa Tribe shared this with her, and the recipe of “Tea of Life”.  Rene Caisse brought it to her patients that were suffering from various types of cancer. This tea is now called Essiac Tea, (Essiac is “Caisse” spelled backwards).

Nurse Caisse began to see wonderful results with her patient and she wanted to help more people.   She wanted to make the “Tea of Life” more accessible to everyone.  She had a vision to make the tea available to as big an audience as she could.

In 1920 she began to work with Dr. Charles Brusch.   They wanted to formulate an herbal product that could be tested in a laboratory study  (think clinical research).  Dr. Brusch and Caisse began to promote Essiac Tea as an effective and affordable cancer treatment. Well, all this promotion caught the attention of the medical population as well as the mainstream population… The medical profession didn’t like that they were offering this alternative to standard cancer treatments, so rumors started to circulate about health risks, and what MIGHT happen if you consumed Essiac Tea. The medical community put pressure on the Federal Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA did not approve Essiac Tea as a cancer treatment.  In fact, as of today they have not recognized Essiac Tea and they do not recognize it as safe.  This did not stop Dr. Brusch and Caisse; they continued to help people and had thousands of testimonials of how Essiac tea helped them. This is amazing because in 1938 there was only mail, no internet.

Nurse Caisse was a modest person and took no money for Essiac tea formula; she was all about the help. Please check out, do your own research to see if this tea will help you. I do have a few cautions:   if you are pregnant … wait to try this tea.  Please do your research.

I will post my story about Essiac tea.. what it has done for me. This is my opinion…

Disclaimer: Information and products are not to be used as medical advice and/or be used in place of medical treatment of any kind. All information and product is to be used ONLY as a food supplement.