Daily Card Reading ~ I feel healthy and happy.

Daily Card Reading ~ I feel healthy and happy.

I feel Healthy and happy.


“I can now do amazing things I never dreamed were possible, and it feels like I’m doing them in a physical body….. except I’m so much lighter, freer, and more flexible. So I can do acrobatics if I want, I can fly, I can jump as high as a mountain, and I can move instantly between locations. It’s magical here!”

“the main thing that I want to emphasize to you, though, is that all the aches, pains, and suffering went away with my physical body! I can breathe, see, and walk like a healthy young person now. All the limitations of physical body are gone, and I am enjoying my spiritual body.

“I also see how I could have taken much better care of myself physically and enjoyed better health, and I hope you’ll take this to heart, too. After all, we only get one physical body per lifetime, and it is built to last a lifetime if we take care of it.”


Talking to Heaven ~James Van Praagh