Daily Card Reading – Balance


Daily Card Reading – Balance



I bring a state of perfect harmony into my world, and I do so without judgment


Balance means bringing a sense of stability and wholeness into every area of your life. Many times when you look at a situation objectively, you will resonate with one side more than the other. Try not to view either as good or bad, but simply recognize that it is. The true nature of the scales of balance is to give both sides of a situation you equitable, objective perspective. It can be difficult to understand the side that you don’t relate to, but that is a lesson in itself.

What is it about you that prevents you from giving both sides of that coin our non-judgmental assessment? This situation of person has been placed in your path to teach you that everyone has his or her own unique, authentic life story, and you must put yourself in that person’s shoes to really understand his or her motivation. Balance is a godly virtue, and if it is struck, you will reap the benefits of insight and compassion.


The Soul’s Journey ~ James Van Praagh