Daily Card- Failure

Daily Card- Failure



I understand that a mistake is only an opportunity to learn


Life on Earth is full of experiences. It is our human brain that views outcomes as good or bad. The soul simply views them as chances to grow. Learn to see the big picture of life Instead of the minutiae. Failure to accomplish a task is merely the opportunity to evolve, and the negative connotation of the word failure can prevent you from trying again.

You must come to the realization that there is no judgment involved with your soulโ€™s lessons. Realize that what you view as failure is just your soul telling you that there is another path. Embrace the maximum When one door closes, another one opens.ย  It is a time for you to stop any negative emotional investment you have in the outcome. Revel in the โ€œknowingnessโ€ that everything will reveal itself when it is meant to. No matter what, be true to your dream and the creative process


The Soulโ€™s Journey ~ James Van Praagh