• Daily Card Reading ~ Growth

    Daily Card Reading ~ Growth

    Growth I want to expand my consciousness and my awareness   You are constantly being presented with situations that enable you to develop your inner wisdom and assist you in advancing to higher levels of understanding. The lesson is to be aware of these events and recognize them for what they are. To live a…

  • Super Full Moon ~ Harvest Moon

    The last one of the Year! Don’t forget to cleanse and charge your crystals, stones, wands, water, and cards!  Remember to recharge yourself! One of my number one questions, I don’t have a yard or anywhere I can put my crystals, and stones to charge;  window sill,  your car, get creative.

  • Daily Card Reading ~ Perseverance

    Daily Card Reading ~ Perseverance

    Perseverance   I know that I can do whatever I set my mind to As a soul, you are on a mission in this physical dimension. You are the only one who knows the correct path to take. Your intuition – your connection to Spirit—is your compass. You have the power to stay the course,…

  • Daily Card Reading~ Imagination

    Daily Card Reading~ Imagination

    Imagination I embrace and nourish the creative aspect of my mind   By its very nature, the physical body is limited by the three dimensions. But your mind is free to travel without boundaries and merge with the Cosmic Consciousness. Your mind is the great creator, and your imagination is its toolbox. Everything in life…

  • Daily Card Reading – Friendship

    Daily Card Reading – Friendship

    Friendship I understand that a friend is in my life for a reason All humans are created from the same Source, but there are some souls that share a unique kinship. Friendship can be the most exciting and beautiful experience on Earth, but it can also be frustrating and heartbreaking. Understand that everyone in your…

  • Daily Card Reading – Freedom

    Daily Card Reading – Freedom

    Freedom I possess the power and the free will to create my own happiness   Your soul is open to receiving new wisdom and insights that will allow it to make the right choices for its own growth. Remember, you are never a victim of other people or their circumstances. You have complete control over…

  • Daily Card Reading – Adversity

    Adversity   I accept that challenges are the best way to learn   No one ever said life was going to be easy. Obstacles are presented to you so that you may overcome them. Believe in yourself, no one else will. Confidence comes to those who have succeeded in conquering adversity, and then the next…

  • Daily Card Reading – Grief

    Daily Card Reading – Grief

    Grief I understand that losing something is an opportunity to appreciate it Nothing is gone forever. The belief that we have “lost” someone or something is merely and illusion to assist us in learning to appreciate our having had it in the first place. The emotion of grief and the sense of loss are absolutely…

  • Daily Card Reading – Blame

    Daily Card Reading – Blame

    Blame I accept responsibility for my well-being   It is so easy to give away the power to transform your life. Certainly, there have been people along your path who have shaped you into who you are today, but you are solely responsible for your own happiness. The ego can be a very fragile thing,…

  • Daily Card Reading – Peace

    Daily Card Reading – Peace

    Peace I am being of love, and I release all negative energy This is a gentle reminder that balance in the mind is imperative in order for your soul to live its true nature. At this time in your life, you are to learn the value of peace and quiet and the joy of being…