
  • Reiki the Universal Life Force part 2

    We carry this energy in and around our bodies from the moment we are conceived. Science has established its existence, and with the aid of Kirlian photography we are able to see this energy that encompasses all living things. Ancient Eastern cultures have harnessed and applied this energy for healing since before the birth of…

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  • Reiki the Universal Life Force

    There is a non physical ubiquitous energy that gives life to every living organism. For many thousands of years we have known of this energy and have sought to develop ways to harness its power to heal and influence our lives. The Japanese call this energy Ki. It is also known as Chi by the…

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  • Love Heals All

    Eventually you will come to understand that love heals everything, and love is all there is” – Gary Zukav

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  • An Introduction to Usui Reiki

    Reiki is the gift of vitality and self preservation encoded into the genetic makeup of all God’s creatures. It is the higher self’s connection to the universal energy that breathes life into all living things. We are all born with the omniscient wisdom to heal and preserve life. All living things are connected. Our ancestors…

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  • Solar Plexus Chakra

    The solar plexus is the seat of your own personal power.   This chakra is located above our navel and directly in our stomach area. The solar plexus chakra therefore plays a vital role in digestion and glows in a bright yellow color. This chakra deals with growth and pertains to issues of the intellect, personal…

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  • Sacral Chakra

    Today I’m going to write about the Sacral Chakra. The sacral chakra is located just below our navel in our lower abdominal region. The color of this chakra is a deep, saturated orange and relates to reproduction on a physical level, creativity and joy and relationships on an emotional level and our energy and passions…

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  • Root Chakra

      The Root Chakra is concerned with physical needs and basic human survival. It has the lowest vibrational rate of all the chakras, resonating to the color  red. When the root chakra is too open (or spins too fast), the characteristics are overly materialistic, self-centered, bullying, takes too many physical risks. On the other side, if…

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  • Welcome to Eagle’s Moon Healing!

    Lisa and I would like to welcome you to our new site! We will have a lot of exciting content coming. We are both Master Healers in a few different energy healing modalities. Lisa is also our Certified Herbalist and can help with health problems with all natural aids. We are adding products to our…

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